Tuesday, October 31, 2017


A fast and rough video made from a series of photographs of my "Giling Padi" painting to show its development from start to finish. Pardon the video quality as the photographs were taken in various lighting conditions

Monday, October 30, 2017

GILING PADI - Acrylic on canvas 50x60cm, 2017

This was a scene from one of my visits to Bali Indonesia where a group of men were working on a paddy field. It was harvest time and they were milling rice with a machine on the field, collecting the grains and bagging the stalks into sacks. The scene was so typical across Indonesia and in particular within Bali. It not only depicts the harvest of the staple food of the people - the rice - but it also illustrates the cooperative spirit of the community commonly referred to in Indonesia as "gotong royong".

I started the painting on October 3rd and finished it on October 31st. I took a series of time lapse photographs of the painting as it developed and I will make a movie out of the photo series.